Friday, August 10, 2007

Finally, an update!

It's been a while since I posted, because we are still living in the dark ages with no internet at home! Anyway, Jaxson came home July 1, and he is doing great! We are so excited to have him home. He sleeps so good at night. He usually has his last bottle around 10:30 and wakes up between 4:30 and 5:00 in the morning. We changed his GI doctor and are now using Dr. Cavendar and love him! He allowed us to start giving Jaxson breastmilk! He also told us we could give him rice cereal too!

He has seen Dr. Lytle (his pediatrician) several times since he's been home for check-ups and to get his 4 month shots. The home health nurse was still coming out to check his weight, but yesterday was her last visit. He weighed 9 lbs 14 oz! I'm surprised he doesn't weigh more than that, considering he ate 32 oz Wednesday! That's right 2 lbs of food! That would be the equivalent of me eating like 35 lbs of food in one day!

Jaxson loves his swing and he loves his tummy time. He has also began to enjoy his bathtime, even though he doesn't like getting lotioned up afterwards. He is definitely turning into a camera ham too. He usually looks right at me when I'm trying to take his picture.

We've did a 5k a few weeks ago, and I discovered that Jaxson loves riding in his stroller outside. We are trying to run a couple of days a week now! He has also visited the library since he loves reading stories with Mom and Dad. His most unfavorite place is Wal-Mart. I don't blame him though. He usually screams the entire time we're in the store, but hushes as soon as we leave... Smart kid!

Please continue to keep us in your prayers!

By the way, Annaleece and Baxter (Jaxson's old podmates) are home now too!


Lisa, Eric, and Jaxson


Dan Robinson said...

I stumbled across your blog and couldn't help but read it. My wife delivered preemie triplets on Valentine's Day this year. In many ways her (mis)adventures mirrored yours including the bacterial infection thing. Your son looks awesome and I hope that things continue to go well for you all!

The Graham Bunch said...

i love these pictures

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the update. I think of you all often. I am so glad Jaxson is home and doing well. I loved looking at all the pictures.

Missy said...

Im so glad he is doing well. He is so cute!