Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Not again!

Jaxson hit the 5 lb mark this week! He is 5 lb 2.5 oz as of this morning. It looks like I will be taking some of his preemie outfits back! He was up to 15 cc of the Alimentum formula per feeding on Monday. Yesterday, we got a phone call saying they were stopping his feedings again. Apparently, the doctor thought he was having too much food left in his tummy after each feeding. He was having 1-2 cc of residual after an hour and a half. The doctor was concerned because his white blood count is back up and his platelets are still down. He got two transfusions (35cc each) of platelets last night and today. They started him on antibiotics since they think he may have an infection. They think the infection he has is due to his PICC line. This is the line where he receives his lipids, proteins, etc. After doing a little research, I found out it is very common to get an infection in PICC lines and most hopsitals make you sign a release before they will start one. Hopefully, he'll get over this infection pretty quickly and can start moving on to the next step. A lot of people think Jaxson should be able to come home now, but it will probably be another 6 weeks to 2 months before he is able to come home. He still has lots of stuff to do! He has to slow down his breathing to less than 60 breaths per minute before they even start trying to feed him from a bottle. He has to be over the infection and off antibiotics. He can't have any slight decreases in his heartrate or oxygen saturation for at least 8 consecutive days. His platelets have to be above 100,000. He has to be able to maintain his own body temperature and has to be taken off the caffeine they started giving him when he was born. He also has to get his shots up to date, and be circumsised before he gets to leave. He has another birthday coming up in little over a week! I'm trying to figure out how to make this party bigger and better than his one month party!

I love you guys and thank God for every prayer that is prayed for our family!


Anonymous said...

Kristie here, Leah's mom.

I follow your story every day. Jaxson is gaining weight so well! Leah was 28 weeks 1 day (2 pounds 1 ounce) at birth and she is just 4 pounds 7 ounces! Sorry to hear about another infection. I will be praying he pulls through soon.

About 2 weeks ago Leah's respiration rate was up at over 70 and often over 100. We were also told it needed to be under 60 before we could bottle feed. They started Leah on a diuretic and it was like magic! Now is is in the 30s and 40s most the day!!

Best of luck to your family.